Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Evaluation of Animatic

Obviously we storyboared our ideas for our music video and created a shot by shot plan of what we wanterd every shot to look like. After doing this we decided to film the storyboards and put them into an animatic, where by we were able to edit them according to the music essentually creating a music video through drawings. We also found this experience a usful one as we were able to cut the clips in time to the beat of the song which is ultimatley what we want to achieve when creating the real video, so we got a head-start! When editing the video though it made us re-think some of our shot choices for the final thing, especially those which we had used for our narrative. We felt that perhaps they were a bit cliche and looking at them with the song this reienforced this idea. However, we decied we should continue with the process and thing again aferwards and maybe change them on our shoot day if we are still feeling unsure.

When we came to complete the whole animatic. We watched it back and with feed back from Luke and Matt, we decided that the narative didn't make a lot of sense and it looked a bit messy. So we decided to go back to the drawing board and think of possible narratives. We came up with ideas such as woman domination perhaps. This would work well in relation to the lyrics of the song, however i think we all felt that we wanted to stick with our original concept of race segregation. Instead of using our initial idea of an all female band we decided that to convey our concept more clearly we could have black men in the background with a white woman being the center and then demonstrate segregation this way. However, we felt that having men pretending to play instruments especially thinks like the trumpet it could look very aminuture-ish. We then contimplated contacting local music colleges to see if there were any real musicians. Eventually however, we came up with the idea of using a zoetrope, and maybe collecting images of real black 1920s performer and using them as still images which move with the zoetrope.

Overall i think it is fair to say that the animatic wasn't hugely successful on our part but we what i feel that we did get from it was a good experience of how to edit to music. We were also able to generate lots of idea which can only improve our final piece, which we feel is only a step in the right direction!

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